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天津市第一中心医院是一所以器官移植、急救医学、耳鼻喉专业学科为特色,融医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健为一体的综合性三级甲等医院,是天津市医学中心之一。   医院拥有1500多张病床,47个临床专业科室,其中5个国家重点临床专科建设项目(器官移植中心、重症医学科、重点实验室、中西医结合科和检验科)、3个市级重点专科(器官移植中心、重症医学科和耳鼻咽喉头颈外科),6个市级研究所(天津市器官移植研究所、天津市急救医学研究所、天津市耳鼻喉研究所、天津市影像医学研究所、天津市血栓与止血研究所、天津市医院系统工程研究所),拥有卫生部危重病急救医学重点实验室和临床医学博士后工作站。医院年门急诊病人200万余人次,年出院病人5万余人次。医院技术力量雄厚,现有卫生技术人员2500余人,其中高级职称450人,享受政府特殊津贴专家34人,博士硕士毕业798人,博士生、硕士生导师87人。   医院承担着天津医科大学、南开大学医学院等六所院校的研究生、本科生、大专生理论授课和临床带教工作,承担天津市住院医师、全科医师规范化培训任务,以及临床医学博士后工作站的教学任务,获得包括国家科技进步奖、天津市科技进步奖及中华医学会科技奖等科研成果150多项。   医院拥有与世界同步领先的先进设备,国内及国际交流合作广泛。医院设有天津市国际诊疗中心,承担着在津外宾、离休干部及高知人群的医疗保障任务。医院先后获得“全国十佳爱婴医院”、“全国百佳医院”、“全国百姓放心示范医院”、“第四届全国医院(卫生)文化建设先进单位”、“天津市卫生行业人民满意的好医院”等多项荣誉称号,2008年被国家指定为北京奥林匹克运动会天津赛区唯一的定点医院。   “生命之托质量为本”,天津市第一中心医院始终坚持这一重要理念为人类健康服务。    Tianjin First Center Hospital(TFCH),one of the medical centers in Tianjin, is a comprehensive hospital in medical treatment, medical teaching, scientific research,disease prevention and health care. This hospital takes Organ Transplant, Emergency Medicine and Otorhinolaryngology as its hallmark and has been categorized as a Tertiary Grade A hospital.    The hospital has more than 1,500 beds and consists of 47 clinical professional departments. Five of them are national key professional departments (including Organ Transplant Center, Critical Care Medicine, Key Laboratory, Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and Laboratory Department). Three of them are municipal key professional departments (including Organ Transplant Center, Critical Care Medicine and Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery). Six of them are municipal research institutes (including Tianjin Organ Transplant Institute, Tianjin Emergency Medicine Institute, Tianjin Otorhinolaryngology Institute, Tianjin Medical Imaging Institute, Tianjin Thrombosis and Homeostasis Institute and Tianjin Hospital System Engineering Institute). The hospital has a key critical care medicine laboratory, affiliated with the Ministry of Health of China and a clinical medicine post-doctoral workstation. Annually the hospital has more than 2,000,000 outpatients and 50,000 discharged patients. It has a strong technical force of more than 2500 professionals. Among them, 450 people are honored with senior professional title, 34 experts received the special allowance of the State Council, 798 people have their doctoral or masters’ degree, 87 people are supervisors of doctoral or master’s degree students.    Tianjin First Center Hospital undertakes the theoretical and clinical teaching of postgraduate, undergraduate and vocational students from Tianjin Medical University, Medical College of Nankai University, Tianjin University of TCM, Medical College of CAPF and Tianjin Medical College. The hospital also undertakes standardization training of residents and general practitioners in Tianjin and medical teaching of clinical medicine post-doctoral workstation. Obtained more than 150 awards which including the National Science and Technology Progress Award, Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award and the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Awards etc.    The hospital, as Tianjin International Medical Center, undertakes health care tasks to foreign guests, retired cadres and high-level intellectuals in Tianjin with a beautiful environment and excellent service. It was defined as the only designated hospital for the Beijing Olympic Games in Tianjin in 2008. By now, it has won several honorary titles such as \"National Top Ten Baby-Friendly Hospitals\", \"National Best 100 Hospitals\", \"National Model Hospital for Patients\", “the Fourth National Health Culture Construction Advanced Unit” and “Tianjin People-Satisfied-Hospital” etc.   “Life-entrusted, quality-oriented” Tianjin First Center Hospital always adhere to this important concept in human health service.

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